The POS Factory
The POS Factory
Founded in 1993, we were one of the first companies based in Central Eastern Europe to specialise in the creation and production of POP advertising materials. Since it started, SELEKT Kft has offered innovative solutions to its clients at a competitive price.
Founded in 1993, we were one of the first companies based in Central Eastern Europe to specialise in the creation and production of POP advertising materials. Since it started, SELEKT Kft has offered innovative solutions to its clients at a competitive price.
Founded in 1993, we were one of the first companies based in Central Eastern Europe to specialise in the creation and production of POP advertising materials. Since it started, SELEKT Kft has offered innovative solutions to its clients at a competitive price.

p r o d u c t i o n
d e s s i n
Nos designers préparent des propositions 3D selon votre brief. Une fois la visualisation et l’enveloppe budgétaires sont acceptées la construction du prototype peut commencer. Nous ferons le nécessaire pour qu'il corresponde au plus près au produit final de la série.
l o g i s t i q u e
Sur plus de 2000m2 dédiés á la production, nous avons de nombreuses technologies á portée de main: usinage CNC, atelier de métallurgie, thermoformage, et plusieurs solutions d'impression: numérique, tamponnage, sérigraphie.
Selon votre souhait , nous prenons en charge l’organisation logistique ou la livraison.